Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I love Twitter. So many ways to be entertained. I told you in a previous post about the NO HOMO phenomenon. It's where someone says something that might be even remotely construed as "gay" , but affirms their raging heterosexuality by throwing the words "NO Homo" on the end. Once it was brought to my attention, I immediately searched the term on Twitter to see how it was being used by other netizens. It's nice to see some Tweets making fun of the phrase...like these:
"Everytime I tell my pops tht I luv him, I feel like I have to add "no homo" @ the end."
"When this guy says "No homo" they all just nods their heads like everything's okay. I would seriously point and laugh at the guy."
"Not cuz Im hatin, just bein honest! Sayin "no offence" after that is like sayin "no homo" after u get caught ……imma let u fill in the blanks"
"Did this dude just say "no homo" before eating a hotdog.. #takingittoofar"
And many are still using it incorrectly. Like these dumbasses:
"R.I.P To Da Fajitas I'm Bout To Kill!! (No-Homo)"
"I have sex like 1nce a month too much sex is not good for my brain no homo"
"Everytime I tell my pops tht I luv him, I feel like I have to add "no homo" @ the end."
"I'll have 1 tall caramel macciato no-homo. Thanks. "
Don't forget to Wear Purple tomorrow to support Gay teens.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dogs are Berlin's babies
Green Bay Escapees
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What is it about peeling scabs? I know I shouldn't...the tender new skin that is forming below is still to thin, and prone to pain. I know it should be left alone...but the scab, all crusty and raised, is an unacceptable blight against the skin. It would be so easy...sooo very easy to scrape a nail under the edge. With a flick, the unsightly mound of dried up goo would be gone, and then I could see what was hidden underneath. Maybe it has healed. Maybe...
I've had an emotional scab growing over a wound for 3 days now. I know this scab is dulling the pain, and keeping me from doing greater damage to my still tender soul. It makes it possible to do other things, like write. Every day that thickened shield keeps the tears at bay, and allows me to reach outside of my little world to reconnect with friends from which I'd become quite isolated. And yet, here I sit, ready to peel it off. Just run the tip of my finger over the phone's touch screen. 3 simple touches and the wound would be exposed again. Maybe my soul has healed enough to endure this exposure? I know better. I know to leave it alone. I do. I'm so not ready. It's too soon. I know this. Fuuuuuuck.
Better sleep on it. Thursday, bring it. - night.
Sperm Pipeline Update
Friends who drink and travel together....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
No Homo? Seriously...GROW UP!

A coworker recently introduced me to the term "No Homo". Apparently, it's a way for guys to say nice things about each other, while letting the other know that although they are saying nice things they do NOT want to make monkey love. Seriously? Want to get caught up, click here.
Of course, I did what any self-respecting internet addict would do: I searched for "no homo" on Twitter. Everyone knows, if it isn't happening on Twitter, it just isn't happening at all. The results were one part hysterical, one part terrible, and more than anything, a fascinating view of a live web discussion on what can only be seen as another case of homophobia seeping into pop culture.
I, personally, am no fan of homophobia. It disturbs me deeply, and anyone who uses this term WITHOUT IRONY are ignorant douchebags. ( I say that, because my coworkers and I have spent the last two days ending each IM with NO {insert descriptor here} depending on the preceding statement, and it hasn't gotten old yet!!!) HOWEVER, this is not about bashing the ignorant, this is about the conversation.
Here are some of my FAVORITE twitter "NO HOMO" quotes:
"I expected a better performance from *... I still fux wid em tho no homo" - um that's pretty homo.
"ol I wana hang out wit him more often no homo." - guys that hang out with other guys are all homos? Noted.
"LOL gotta explain to * that when a person says no homo that means they eitha just said something homo or about to say something homo" - yes, that's EXACTLY what it means.
AND MY FAVORITE: "when people say "no homo" all I hear is "i'm definitely gay"" Well said!
My favorite posts are the ones where people mock the term and those who use it. Several posts use it quite inappropriately. For example, shouldn't the kid who said "No Homo" after sending his brother some love, actually written "No Incest"? Or the uber-fan of My Little Pony ended his tweet with "No Bestiality"? Think about it! If you're gonna use it, use it correctly. The only thing worse than being ignorant is being DUMB and IGNORANT! That's just not fixable.
What do you think? Do you use the term? Do guys really think it gay when another guy says something nice to them? If a statement could be construed as gay, wouldn't it just be better to use different words to express yourself? Is it a sign of a problem that the second I hear a new term, I immediately go to Twitter and spend the next hour reading people's crazy-assed tweets?
Inquiring mind(s) wanna know!
Why write?

I was reminded of this during a brief interlude with another writer. During a period of separation, we kept our sanity through correspondence. Sadly, upon our reunion, the magic of those flowery words had disintegrated under the weight of the real world, and our inability to replicate the raw earnest emotions of those long pored-over letters, with the spoken word.
And so I write.
This blog has no theme, no agenda, no real purpose other than to give me an outlet for my thoughts and feelings about the world, and to be somewhat entertaining to whomever should choose to read my posts. I thank you, and apologize in advance. ;-)
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