Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why write?

Because we never truly say what we mean to say. It's hard not to do that when you write. You think it. You type it. You see it. You digest it. You edit it. edit it. edit it... The words I write are the closest you'll ever come to the thoughts in my head. My voice has failed me, more times than I care to recall, but I can write a mean letter!!!
I was reminded of this during a brief interlude with another writer. During a period of separation, we kept our sanity through correspondence. Sadly, upon our reunion, the magic of those flowery words had disintegrated under the weight of the real world, and our inability to replicate the raw earnest emotions of those long pored-over letters, with the spoken word.
And so I write.
This blog has no theme, no agenda, no real purpose other than to give me an outlet for my thoughts and feelings about the world, and to be somewhat entertaining to whomever should choose to read my posts. I thank you, and apologize in advance. ;-)

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