I love Twitter. So many ways to be entertained. I told you in a previous post about the NO HOMO phenomenon. It's where someone says something that might be even remotely construed as "gay" , but affirms their raging heterosexuality by throwing the words "NO Homo" on the end. Once it was brought to my attention, I immediately searched the term on Twitter to see how it was being used by other netizens. It's nice to see some Tweets making fun of the phrase...like these:
"Everytime I tell my pops tht I luv him, I feel like I have to add "no homo" @ the end."
"When this guy says "No homo" they all just nods their heads like everything's okay. I would seriously point and laugh at the guy."
"Not cuz Im hatin, just bein honest! Sayin "no offence" after that is like sayin "no homo" after u get caught ……imma let u fill in the blanks"
"Did this dude just say "no homo" before eating a hotdog.. #takingittoofar"
And many are still using it incorrectly. Like these dumbasses:
"R.I.P To Da Fajitas I'm Bout To Kill!! (No-Homo)"
"I have sex like 1nce a month too much sex is not good for my brain no homo"
"Everytime I tell my pops tht I luv him, I feel like I have to add "no homo" @ the end."
"I'll have 1 tall caramel macciato no-homo. Thanks. "
Don't forget to Wear Purple tomorrow to support Gay teens.
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