Friday, August 31, 2012

"Street" Art - Stony Brook Fine Arts- JP

Here is some awesome art I saw on my way to an
early morning drinking session tour of Sam Adams Brewery with my friends, the Multers! We passed the Stony Brook Fine Arts School on our way up to the brewery from the Orange line, and were amazed by these incredible sculptures!  Love the anatomically correct David!  I was also dazzled by these polar bears.

Check out the full album here.

Oh yeah, I TOTALLY recommend visiting the Sam Adams Brewery!  The tours are free and incredibly informative.  They teach you all about how they make beer and how many competitions they've won.  They're understandably proud, but the absolute best part of the tour is the tasting.  I must say I have NEVER tasted such fresh tasting beer!  It was like pure yum.  You'll never tolerate skunky yuk beer again.

After Sam Adams, we realized that we needed to keep the buzz going, so after lunch at Quincy Market, we mosey'd on over to Harpoon Brewery for it' 2pm tasting.  Again, YUM-TASTIC.  If you're not familiar, these guys make tons of different varieties, including IPA, UFO, and special "100 barrel" varieties: meaning small batch special beers.  My fav: Pumpkin UFO.  Again, super fresh (duh, they just made it...), and not crazy overwhelming with the pumpkin and spice.  Subtle.  Yeah.

So, this started about "street" art (not really street art, but visible from the street), but ended up about how my friends made me do ungodly things to my poor liver on a weekday.  Nope, not complaining!  It was an AWESOME day in Boston!

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