These days, writing seems so quaint. Quite old fashioned, putting pen to paper. However, it also seems so much more real and authentic - an extension of your thoughts, direct from your brain, down your arm to the wrist, fingers, then out through the pen. A minute alteration of motion between your wrist and hand determines whether your words are legible or chicken scratch. Changing pressure against the pad indicates emotional swings the words are ill-equipped to convey. How differently we write when we know someone else will need to decipher our codes.
I guess I could wax poetic on the benefits of the hand-written word vs. the cold uniformity of the computer screen. Especially easy while sitting out in a sunny spot, pad & pen, scribbling away. How much easier it is to lug this pad around than my laptop. Glare is not an issue when the sun shines brightly down upon my pad. It feels right and natural, like a laptop never could. And so I write and feel and write. Ah, the old callus between my middle and ring finger on my "write" hand is long gone, but after a few minutes clutching this pen, I feel its ghost. Nothing light and gentle about my grasp.
Click HERE to see/read the handwritten original.
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