Here's a recap of some of the suggestions/ideas I shared for Black History Month 2010:
Feb. 1 - Woot! 1st day of Black History Month! Hug a black person today! But make sure you know them first, AND ask permission. Or else,
you may have one hell of a situation on your hands!
Inappropriate Black History Month Comments: "Yeah, I don't think of fried chicken as a black thing. That's watermelon!" "Colonel Sanders wasn't black, but the person he stole that recipe from probably was.."
Feb. 2 - 2nd day of Black History Month! Today, think of a question you always wanted to ask a black person, but were a little afraid. Ask away! I can't promise black people won't look at you funny, and walk away, muttering bad things about you, but you just don't know until you try! No questions about the n-word, though. If you don't know by now, we really can't help you. ENJOY!
BE CAREFUL: Black humor is twice as potent this month. A so/so joke nearly killed one of my coworkers. Please crack jokes with caution. You've been warned. Let's keep the Black History Month casualty list to zero this year.
Feb. 3 - Day #3 Black History Month! Whew, it seems like it began just yesterday! Today, your challenge is to watch at least an hour of programming on one of the Black-themed Networks (BET, CENTRIC, TVONE). I know you have cable, so, just flip a little further down the menu.
They are there. I recommend shows like Girlfriends and Cosby Show reruns. But Keiysha Cole's show is interesting too...
Feb. 4 - Day #4 Black History Month is all about FAMILY (i got all my sisters with me). End each call with your family members with "I Love You!" It may feel weird at first, if you're not used to doing it, but keep it up. After a while, they'll do it, too, and it'll be natural. I promise.
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