Disclaimer: I was neither high or drunk during this escapade. I was, however, kinda bored. Do not dare me to do things when I'm bored...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

It's early: 7:25am to be exact. Admirable wake up time for a weekday, but it's Sunday, and I don't go to church. Football pregame shows ae 3.5 hours away, and even the dog is in no hurry to get out of bed to do his morning business. All in all, I'm thinking it's a good time for my first post of the new year, 2011.
This isn't about RESOLUTIONS. I don't really believe in making resolutions. Truth is if I really wanted to change something, I'd wouldn't wait until the day after a night of hard drinking to embark on that journey. The one resolution that I was serious about, was actually broken on day one, soooooooo, boom: disappointment. I guess I may have had a better chance at accomplishing the goal if I had spread the word to my friends and colleagues...but I know me...seems unlikely. No biggie, as I'm working on that resolution right now. In the end of the day, it's not about keeping the new year's resolution, it's about keeping any resolution, following through with any personal goals. I think the real resolution may be, or should always be, to follow through, at least with the promises you make with yourself, especially those that will be to your benefit in the end. Hmmm, maybe this post is about resolutions after all?
Right now, it's about being up way too early. I've beat the alarm clock, and the sun isn't all the way up yet, either. It's super quiet on the street, and I feel pretty calm. Seems a good time to think back on the year. 2010 was a bumpy ride. Many changes, both for myself, and those around me. Friends got engaged, married, had kids, lost kids, went through rehab, relapsed, came to visit, moved away, got new jobs, lost jobs, grew their hair, shaved their heads, had surgery, went into remission, came into my life, drifted out. Some of these things, I learned via Facebook, but I think it's a win for me,that most of these events, I did experience, and/or witness in the real world, through face to face interaction. As much as I love being online, I'd quit it in a heartbeat if I thought it put distance between myself and the actual people represented by those avatars. Some people put it all out there in their profiles: deaths, divorces, disappointments, beefs (both urgent and trivial), as well as births, marriages, joys, and loves (both urgent and trivial), HOWEVER, there are still those who keep the most important milestones for select transmission: only to be shared with those close enough to meet up with over a beer, or a delicious bowl of pho (or chicken tikka masala, depending on the friend). I was blessed enough to have quite a few of those interactions, as well, this year. A cyber poke is a sad substitute for a real bear hug, or a kiss on the cheek from a dear dear friend. Though, I'd never resolve to remove myself from online endeavors, I would make a promise to follow through with the promise to increase the amount of offline interactions with my friends, especially those living here in the same dangburned city as I do!
While I've been typing, the street has begun to stir, though it's pretty cloudy, I think the sun is pretty well up above the horizon, and my dog has just barked at his first passerby...and shows signs of being ready to go outside for his morning constitutional. Even Sammy da cat is giving himself a cat bath. Pregame show is still 3 hours away. Nettie is ready to go boom again, in 2011. LHM. :-D
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